Whenever a patient signs up for teeth whitening, they are investing in a procedure that uses a bleaching agent to break through the tooth’s enamel, getting rid of surface-level pigments and lifting many areas of discoloration. Dental enamel is very porous, like a sponge, making it easy to absorb or deflect certain ingredients. This is why our teeth whitening procedures are so effective on natural teeth. But can implants be whitened?
Can Implants Be Whitened?
But people visiting their local family dentist in Glendora may be wondering about the effects of teeth whitening when their teeth are not so natural. Can implants be whitened? What about crowns or dental bonding? If you are interested in getting rid of stains and you aren’t sure what the most effective treatment is, read our short guide below to help you inform your decision.
Using Teeth Whitening on Dental Implants
Unfortunately, the answer to the above question is a resounding no. This is because dental implants are not made out of the same materials as your natural tooth. These ceramic and composite teeth can offer a myriad of lifetime benefits that restore lots of functionality to your mouth. Those in need of dental implants are those who are in danger of losing their ability to bite, chew, speak, smile, or even properly breathe.
Earlier, we talked about the porous nature of enamel. Implants do not have enamel, and they are not porous, so they will not take to the whitening materials. However, there are benefits to the non-porous quality of implants as well, since they are far less likely to stain than your natural teeth. Even if they do, there are alternative methods of whitening your implants that your dentist can discuss with you.
How to Whiten Your Dental Implants
Before getting your dental implants, the dentist will create composite teeth to fit in your mouth that exactly resemble your natural teeth. This will help you maintain a bright and white smile no matter how many implants you receive. The best way to keep up with a good appearance is to avoid food and drinks that cause major stains.
The most practical way to keep your implants whitened after they have already been put in is to replace the crown that goes on top of each implant. The crown is the visible part of the tooth, and this is the part that is made to match you as naturally as possible. You can ask your dentist about crown replacement as a viable alternative to teeth whitening if you have discovered tooth stains that are too apparent to ignore.
Make Sure to Avoid Whitening Toothpaste
The reason why your dentist will not recommend toothpaste with whitening agents is that these chemicals, which typically consist of baking soda, silica, and activated charcoal, are far too abrasive for your false teeth. Dental crowns, while durable, can become easily scratched or damaged by abrasive products since they do not have a layer of enamel to protect them. The more scratched a dental implant becomes, the more susceptible it is to build up bacteria, germs, and other sources of decay.
Similarly, you should avoid mouthwash such as Listerine with alcohol-based ingredients. Just like abrasive chemicals, alcohol can scratch away at the surface of the teeth and strip away their protective qualities. Make sure you consult with your dentist about the proper way to clean your implants to ensure long-lasting results.
Secure Your Dental Health Now
Dental implants can last for the rest of your life, offering great support and encouraging healthy teeth by making it easy to take care of them. While they can’t be whitened using our in-office treatments, there are plenty of other ways to keep your mouth looking spick and span. Visit our dental implants specialist today to learn more about the benefits of dental implants.