Signs You Are an Invisalign Candidate

Invisalign has quickly become one of the most popular forms of restorative dentistry that you can invest in no matter who you are. Although it’s not as easy as other forms of self-improvement, it can provide the change you are looking for. It can be hard to make the leap towards straighter teeth, especially if your plate is already full. Finally, a solution where you don’t have to worry about it at all! Invisalign can be the right choice for you and your lifestyle. But who can qualify for this revolutionary treatment? Here we have signs you are an Invisalign candidate.

Signs You Are an Invisalign Candidate

Invisalign is a clear brace that is quickly becoming a favorite of orthodontics. How can you determine if Invisalign is right for you? The following guide has been created by your local dentist in Glendora to determine whether or not this is the best form of braces to suit your needs.

Assess the Needs of Your Teeth

Clear aligners and Invisalign are a great alternative to traditional metal braces. Invisalign has many advantages over traditional braces, including ease of maintenance and the ability to take out the aligners. Are braces necessary for your teeth? Invisalign may be an option if your teeth are misaligned. If you have an overbite or need something more complex, Invisalign may be the right option for you.

Find Your Level of Self-Control

Invisalign is removable and can be cleaned at the patient’s discretion, unlike metal braces. This saves you some trips to the dentist but you have to take matters into your own hands. Will you be willing to put in the effort to achieve your best-straightened teeth? If you can understand that Invisalign is a treatment option, you may be eligible.

Find Good Treatments for Your Age

Depending on your age, Invisalign might work differently. Clear braces are not recommended for children. However, metal braces might work well for them. To achieve the desired result, you may need to use more than one Invisalign aligner.

Redo Your Previous Braces Experience

Many people who wore metal braces as teens or young adults start to forget about wearing retainers. Slowly your teeth start to get crooked and your regret is growing over not wearing your retainer. You are lucky to have invisible braces that can quickly and easily restore your teeth to their original, perfect condition. It all depends on how many changes have been made. Invisalign is an excellent option for those who have braces and need a quick fix.

Think About Your Smile Goals

You might be unhappy with the way you look in the mirror if you always smile closed-mouthed. This is especially true if you have one or more teeth out of place. Invisible braces can usually fix these issues. Invisalign can boost your confidence and give you that smile you have always wanted.

Find Flexible Straightening Options

Although it’s true that there is no painless treatment for orthodontic treatment (you’re moving your teeth after all), metal braces can reduce that pain. Braces made of metal can make your mouth feel tight and can cause you to have restricted eating habits. Traditional braces can cause some snagging or bleeding. Invisalign is the best option if you don’t want to take the traditional route, particularly if you have already had to do it once.

Learn More About Invisalign Today!

If you think you may be the perfect candidate for Invisalign in Glendora, reach out to our special dental team today to schedule a personal consultation. You can sign up for a flexible and easy-to-use aligner tray that will slowly bring your teeth back into alignment. Enjoy a better smile and boosted self-confidence when you learn more about Invisalign the next time you give us a call!