The Value of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses all other disciplines, such as prosthodontics, which is the discipline that governs denture or prosthetic fabrications; surgery, which involves the surgical manipulation of the soft tissues and the bone; orthodontics, which is concerned with the arrangement, alignment and occlusion of the teeth in relation to the jaws; and periodontics, which is a field in dentistry that is focused on the health and appearance of the gum tissues.

In the past, people had to be content with what they were given. If you have cosmetic issues to deal with, you have no choice but to endure the appearance and disadvantages attached to this problem. Slowly, however, technological advancements have begun to allow people to reconstruct their smiles and make it more aesthetically favorable.

Cosmetic dentistry may not have been so popular when it was initially introduced, but much has changed since. Today, more and more people are make a decision to undergo all kinds of cosmetic procedures:

They get their teeth whitened through take home or chair-side teeth whitening or you can get dental crowns and veneers to give yourself as more permanent transformation. Who wants yellowish teeth when you can maintain the whiteness of your smile?

Patients do not have to endure the ugly appearance of their crooked and rotated teeth. If they have malpositioned or misaligned teeth, they do not have to be content with this kind of smile because they can get orthodontic treatment with traditional braces or Invisalign; or one can make the decision to get dental crowns or veneers for a more immediate smile solution.

If you have cosmetic problems with your teeth such as dental malformations, stains, discolorations and fractures, these teeth can be reshaped and their appearance may be masked by fabricating dental crowns and dental veneers over the said teeth.

If you have some missing teeth, surely it is not going to be easy for you to smile? When you have a gap in your smile, your appearance will be affected but you should not worry because there are methods you can explore which will effectively deal with this problem. You can wear removable dentures or your can have dental crowns or dental implants installed to be able to fill the empty gaps/spaces.

Another issue that patients have are gummy smiles. A gummy smile is one that is much too gummy because the soft tissues are set too low or the teeth are much too small. A gummy smile is resolved by a crown lengthening procedure that is following by extensive crown fabrications. By reshaping the bones so that the gums will follow, you change the appearance of the smile of a patient.

There are all kinds of cosmetic issues that patients may want to resolve. Looking at the glossy pages of the magazine cannot be easy sometimes because all the people in there have perfect teeth. Why should you be content with the appearance of your smile, though, when you know that your dentist can do all kinds of things to improve your smile?

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