When is a Frenectomy Necessary?

Dentistry is useful in many ways, shapes, and forms. Sometimes it can be used to correct something in the mouth that is causing an anatomical obstacle or hardship. One such example is with the frenum. When exactly is a frenectomy necessary? What does the procedure entail? What is a frenum?

The frenum is the part of the mouth that acts as a muscle and connects the cheek and the upper lip on the inside. Sometimes, this muscle is located too low, causing receding gums or gaps between the teeth. With a simple procedure, our doctor at Glendora Family Dentistry can help to remove or relocate the frenum, giving you the freedom for your overall health and well-being.

Follow along with us to understand this process further, and contact us with any questions or concerns.

About the Procedure

During a frenectomy, you will be put under local anesthesia. This is necessary due to the nature of the procedure itself. Dr. Desai will use a snipping tool to remove tissue that is causing a gap in the teeth, or between the gums. With a quick procedure and short recovery time, this surgery is highly recommended if you have been diagnosed with a frenum issue. There is no medical harm or change that occurs due to the frenum being cut. In fact, most patients hardly feel any different afterward and express no pain.

According to Colgate, any tissue between the teeth and gums constitutes the frenum. There are actually two types: labial frenum and lingual frenum. These types describe where in the mouth the frenum tissue in question is located.

If a frenum is improperly located or too large, it might cause restrictions with:

  • The movement of the tongue
  • Opening and closing the mouth
  • Cleaning gums and brushing teeth
  • Chewing or staying hygienic

When you are having difficulty with mobility in the mouth, it’s time to look into your frenectomy options.

The Post-Operative Procedure

Since this procedure does require some surgery, it’s important for our patients to know what they should expect next. Recovery does not take too long, but since it involves the mouth, it can be difficult to perform daily activities for a while.

Our doctors want you to be informed and prepared so your recovery process is as seamless as possible.

You can expect:

  • Minimal amounts of pain and swelling
  • A small burning sensation on the top of the mouth
  • Normal function of lips, tongue, and teeth almost immediately after the surgery
  • Follow-up appointments with your dentist to ensure recovery is going as planned

You can always follow up with your doctor if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Frenectomy In Children

At times it is necessary for children to undergo this procedure, especially in severe cases. The frenum may be preventing total tongue mobility, and the feeling of a closed mouth can be dangerous for small kids.

In most cases, our doctor can perform frenectomy procedures on children who are old enough. As for infants, it may be best to be referred to another surgeon. A general rule of thumb, however – and OralAnswers can back us up on this as well – is to wait until your child is at least 11 or 12 years of age, when the frenum is fully developed, to undergo the procedure.

For any further questions or interests about our restorative dentistry procedures, please reach out to us at any time.

Glendora Family Dentistry is Here for You!

At Glendora Family Dentistry, we put your health and well-being above all. Whether you are in need of a restorative dentistry procedure, or you are looking for a consultation on some issues you’ve been having, our friendly team is here to help. To get started with us, please reach out online or call us at (626) 914-0500.

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