What is Dental Bonding?

If you are looking into restorative or cosmetic dentistry options, you may wonder “What is dental bonding?” This procedure is a less costly and invasive alternative to treatment options such as braces, crowns, bridges, and porcelain veneers. Dental bonding may be right for you if you deal with any of the following issues:

  • Cracks or chips in your teeth
  • Noticeable gaps between teeth
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Severe recession of the gums
  • Instability of one or more teeth

How Does Dental Bonding Work?

Unlike other forms of restorative or cosmetic dentistry, teeth bonding requires no anesthesia along with being quick and painless. Dr. Desai of Glendora Family Dentistry prepares the bonding material by shaping, layering, and molding it to ensure that it closely matches the appearance of your other teeth. The material used in dental bonding is the same as what Dr. Desai uses when he fills a cavity. After applying the mixture of bonding material to your teeth, he uses a curing light from a laser to force the material to harden. The entire process is complete in a matter of minutes.

How You Benefit from Dental Bonding

Most people choose this procedure because it involves a smaller out-of-pocket expense in addition to its simplicity. Another major benefit is that the composite resin Dr. Desai applies to your teeth resists staining extremely well. Unlike your natural teeth that are prone to discoloration due to the foods you eat and your lifestyle habits, teeth that have undergone the bonding process remain bright and shiny. Before you leave the appointment, Dr. Desai polishes your top and bottom rows of teeth to give you the most attractive smile possible.

Glendora Family Dentistry understands that cost and treatment time are legitimate concerns for many patients. That is why we are pleased to offer the alternative of dental bonding. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment or to ask additional questions.

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